Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ever Wondered Who Created The Internet? I Think I Found Out

The internet has become such a buzz word in our modern day world to the extent
that even the unborn seem to in a hurry to get here to know what this craze is all
about. All nations and tongue, from whatever creed or ethnicity, have at one time
or another used the word internet or heard it somewhere or seen it in some
writing. This certainly must have many of us wondering who created the internet.
But did the guys who created the internet even had the foggiest idea that it would become such a global phenomenon? I think not.

Today the Internet World Stats reports that there are currently 1,114,274,426 internet
users online! Isn't that emazing? Every continent on the planet is part of this
global community with Asia taking the biggest chunk of the internet pie, devouring
a whopping 36%, followed by Europe gobbling up 29% while North America sinks its teeth in 21% of the whole. Latin America, Africa, Oceana/Austrilia and the Midle East
grapple for the remaining 14%.

Nowadays, even the seniors want a piece of the action

Take for example this 60 year old grandmother Barbara Jennings of Decorate- Barbara has decided to turn her hobby into a profitable internet experience and through her vision she is making over $8,000 per month and was even featured in Orange Coast Magazine (June, 2005). You can learn about other like-minded
people at this link

Young people are every where on the internet. From Myspace to Ryze, Flickr to Hi5,
the internet has drawn the world together and made it a much smaller space. But like
Barbara, a younfg inner city kid by the name Jermaine Griggs has also decided to use
the internet to turn his passion into an income stream. A pianist extraordinaire, Jermaine turned his penchant into a successful $800,000 a year business teaching ordinary
people how to play the piano by ear in record time. I bet the people who created the
internet didn't see this coming.

"Ok, interesting stuff, but you sill haven't told me who created the internet" I saw that one coming (I was reading your mind, right? :))

Well, let's get the puss out of the bag, shall we?

In a BBC News interview dated Friday, March 4, 2005, captioned, "Getting The Net Off The Ground", Dr. Robert Khan, co-inventor of this mind boggling phenomenon, the internet, told the BBC, "The work that we did was principally on designing what a network would look like...but it turned out that an agency of the US government, the Defence Advance Research Projects Agency, known as Darpa (it was known as Arpa back then) actually had plans to build a computer network in the country."

Vint Cerf, the next key developer, was also featured in another BBC Click Online interview dubbed "Towards an internet in space", dated Sunday, September 19, 2004, said in his interview with the BBC, "My job was to write software for the computers that we ultimately started putting on the Arpanet in late 1969." Cerf, together with Khan, developed the communications protocol, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)/IP (Internet Protocol), in 1974.

The internet concept was developed starting in 1964, and the first messages passed were between UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) and the Stanford Research Institute in 1969. The government along with universities developed the internet as a way for scientists to share ideas and as a means to share information on defense research between involved universities and defense research facilities. It became
free-for-all for commercial use in the 1990's.

Given the complexity of the project, though, it is hard or any one person to take credit for the interenet engineering.

It is importnat to note however, that as the technology evolved, it was , Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee who later revolutionized the World Wide Web. You can get more info from Wikipedia. Berners-Lee is director of the World Wide Web Consortium.

I think this should give you a fair appreciation of who created the internet although,
as said earlier, there were different contributors at various points in its evolution, but the key players are the ones highlighted above.

Personally, I am very excited that the internet is free to all as this opens a flood-gate of opportunities never thought possible before those geniuses who created the internet came about with this huge global dynamo!

Until I share more of my thoughts with you, take care!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Jamaica: The Caribbean Paradise

This is a captivating picturesque of the most beautiful Caribbean island on the Caribbean canvas: my Jamaica. Come home to captivating tranquility and irresistible beauty