Friday, October 27, 2006

Drive Thousands of Visitors to your Website Through Social Networking at Zero Cost!

I'm just curious: Have you launched your blog yet? If not, you will
be excited to start one after your read below.

2005 could be dubbed the "blog year" as thousands of blogs
sprung up all over the internet. Check Technorati. They are now
tracking some 57.4 million blogs. That's 64% more than the number
as at November 2005!

Now what is this blog all about? Well, Blogs (short for "weblogs") are a
simple way for anyone to post fresh content in an easy-to-read web
site format with the newest information always on top.
Blogs are also referred to as Web2.0 in some circles.

Blogs are very easy to set up and maintain.
You can even post via e-mail to some blogs in pretty much
the same way to would send an ordinary email, using a blog email
address. Some folks go on a posting blitz daily because of the ease
and simplicity of blogging.

Did you know that ordinary online businesses are blogging their
way to internet success?

Yeah! search engine spiders love crawling through blogs
given their "freshness" and this boosts your search engine ranking,
increase your traffic, and improve your credibility -- what's the sum total
of all of this? You guessed it...more sales of course!

With a well-written blog, it's easy to establish yourself and if you
blog about a specific subject, like your industry or hobby, people
interested in that topic will visit your blog and read it often.

What you just read in the above paragraph is what is called
social networking ultimately leading to more customers. Visitors will,
without obligation, link to your web site overtime as you gain more

A word of caution though: It takes time to build trust. People must
"feel" you as a real person through your writing and this can take
a little while. No need to worry however. Here are a few tips to
sort of "fast track" your progress:

When writing your blog make your info "sticky" and of good quality.
By "sticky" I mean writing in such a way that your reader keeps coming
back for more.

Try to keep material original. They get more attention than links to
news and other blogs. Remember, you want to connect to your
audience and build trust.

Now this can be a bit challenging but keeping content updated and
topical is important. Let's say you have a seminar coming up in your area
on Forex trading in December and you wish to invite your readers.

Posting this info to your blog would be best at least a week before the
event. Why? because it gives search engines ample time to crawl
your blog so that folks will see your invitation ahead of time and not
days after the event has passed.

Ok, let's see...we could leave it here for now.

However, before I run, I'd like to encourage you to make sure you direct
your traffic to a "lead capture page". What is this? Simply put, a
gateway page that your visitor is prompted to put in his/her
name, email address and possibly telephone number. That's
how I do it.

Until I talk with you again, (in Jamaican parlance I would say
: "Until mi talk wid yu again")

Prosper and stay in good health,


1 comment:

Peter Parks said...

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